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- ÍtemApplication of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping resources for digitalization of works of art(International Journal of Applied Science and Research, 2024) Carrillo, Gilberto; Barrios, JoséThe article presents the process that was carried out to digitize the work of art Atlacatl by the Salvadoran sculptor Valentín Estrada, located in the Pinacoteca of the Don Bosco University. For this purpose, rapid prototyping technology from the Center for Innovation in Industrial Design and Manufacturing was used, which is normally used for reverse engineering and analysis, within professorships, research, and services to companies in the manufacturing sector. The procedure used is the one followed for the digitization of structural engineering parts, incorporating care for the work of art, and using the software for managing the point cloud of organic parts. At the end, the verification of dimensional deviation is included, which corroborates that a high level of dimensional accuracy was obtained in each detail of the computer drawing.
- ÍtemEco muebles una estrategia para el aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos(Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar, 2022) Palacio Flórez, Ana; Cáceres Martelo, Adriana; Melamed Varela, Enrique; Fontalvo Torres, Fanny; Carrillo Alvarado, Gilberto; Saumet España, Hernán; Estrada López, Hilda; Ochoa Hernández, Ray; Vargas Ramírez, Ximenagenera una gran cantidad de residuos sólidos, los cueles son considerados un contaminante ambiental que genera aserrín, astillas, polvillo y virutas; de allí la importancia del aprovechamiento de estos, mediante la implementación de prácticas de economía circula en la industria de muebles, aplicando estrategias innovadoras de reutilización de los residuos generados en esta actividad comercial. Desde este marco de ideas, el propósito de este libro es proponer una estrategia para el uso de estos residuos, basada en su reintegración al proceso de producción de una línea de muebles ecológicos para el hogar, es decir, a través de una economía circular, generando nuevas oportunidades en la industria del mueble de madera, especialmente a las pequeñas y medianas empresas.
- ÍtemAjuste, y calibración de durómetro metrocom utilizando Aluminio 6061, pulido con partículas de 1.0 micrómetros(International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2022) Pimentel Cuéllar, José Rafael; Carrillo Alvarado, Gilberto Antonio; Rivera Andino, Raquel Alejandra; Urbina Benítez, José RonaldoThis research determined the influence of the adjustments and calibrations made to a conventional hardness tester and how they affect the hardness measurements in aluminum over long periods of time. The sample used was 6061-T6 aluminum and a 2.50 mm ball indenter to make the traces. The development of the adjustment and calibration of the hardness tester was carried out to obtain more stable values over time, as well as to obtain a characterization of the mechanical properties (hardness) of 6061-T6 aluminum and to be able to compare the results with the theory. This supports the theory in terms of hardness, according to calculations based on applied load and the diameter of the footprint, in which it was observed that the larger the diameter, the lower the hardness, of equal sections of the samples, homogeneity. A MITUTOYO No. 2109S-10 and a conventional lathe were used for the adjustments, while the hardness tests were carried out on a METROCOM 9033-96 TYPE RC/MP hardness tester, the measurement of the trace with a Jiusion digital microscope, and a scale used with a tolerance equal to +- 0.1 mm. As a result of the adjustment and subsequent tests, an improvement in the values for hardness with respect to aluminum was evidenced, obtaining a lower bias than measurements prior to the adjustment, establishing a map for the tested sample according to the hardness and determining an interval for calibration in specific periods.
- ÍtemDesign and construction of automated mechanical ventilation equipment to assist respiratory failure(INGENIUS Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2022) Carrillo, Gilberto; Gómez, Mauricio; Rodas, Jaime; Pimentel, JoséThis document presents the requirements met for the design, construction and first validation of a mechanical ventilation system to be used in patients with respiratory failure, which in the initial context was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The design required the use of computer aided drawing software (Computer Aided Design) CAD and the construction required the use of installed capabilities in mechanical, electropneumatic, electronic, biomedical and automation manufacturing of Don Bosco University (El Salvador) institutes and centers. The adjustment, configuration and programming works were in charge of research professors specialized in these disciplines. The elements used for its construction were available in the Salvadoran market, considering the closure of the borders as a government measure in face of the expansion of the pandemic. After the design, manufacture and commissioning stage, measurements of the conditions of the supplied air were made with the help of professionals dedicated to the maintenance of medical equipment and with the approval of internist doctors. The results achieved are those obtained with paramedical equipment and with first aid equipment, for which it has been foreseen that the equipment can be tested in a subsequent instance with the certified medical union.
- ÍtemGestión empresarial. Casos de enseñanza sobre decisiones y estrategias(Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar, 2022) Blanco Ariza, Ana; Cáceres Martelo, Adriana Marcela; Alvarado Trespalacios, Yira; Palacio Flórez, Ana Karina; Vázquez García, Ángel Wilhelm; Carrillo González, Graciela; Solís Tepexpa, Sergio; Payares Ayola, Marceliano; Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge; Murgas Canchano, Rosa; Albán Suárez, María Getrudis; Herrera Yamunaqué, José Claudio; Keewong Zapata, Roxani; Castillo Córdova, Elías Saud; Estrada López, Hilda; Solano Benavides, Elcira; Saumett España, Hernán; Alandete Brochero, Nelson; Socorro Díaz Nieto, Elia; Cabello Cervantes, León MartínLas historias se encuentran en el punto donde se reconoce como valioso el hacer, aunque las personas que ejercen practicas técnicas, no alcancen el reconocimiento otorgado a quienes se dedican a la producción de conocimientos científicamente validados. Es el caso de las historias que motivan y son tomadas como ejemplo, de unas buenas prácticas, narraciones que ensenan lo que han logrado superar las personas en situaciones problemáticas. Para empezar, esto es lo que se llama caso de estudio, o de enseñanza; es este relato que le cuenta la experiencia vivida por empresarios que han probado procedimientos y productos en determinadas circunstancias. Los investigadores de la Red Iberoamericana RITTMA, se tomaron en serio el trabajo de capturar esas historias de empresarios, contándolas como un relato que lleva elementos esenciales de la Administración tales como la planeación estratégica, el uso de la contabilidad y las finanzas, el marketing y la gestión comercial, la innovación y el diseño, la producción y logística y el talento humano. Fue un trabajo arduo que necesito tiempo y dedicación, el cual usted tiene la ocasión de disfrutar, también seria, y eso lo han tenido en cuenta los autores: un medio para ensenar algunos procedimientos.